Donations still continue to trickle in!  THANKYOU KINDLY PEOPLE! :D
Id still appreciate everyone sharing my blog / facebook page to help spread the word.....
The 1/2 Marathon is looming so only a couple of weeks to get your predicted finishing time in for the "Guess the Finishing Time" Competition! so come along people.... ;o)
I have finally heard from the Guinness book of world records about the time required to break the record for the Fastest Half Marathon dressed as a nurse!  2hours!  Im in with a chance!  I need to be able to find some "independent Witnesses" for the day though to sign a statement that I did indeed run the race!  So if you know anyone from a running club or such like who may be interested in helping me, please let me know :o)
And if this is not enough to be getting on with.....I am cycling in Nuneaton Ropewalk on Saturday 3rd March!  PHEW!!!

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