
A BIG THANKYOU to Coventry City Football Club for donating a pair of tickets to their Doncaster Rovers game on the 21st April 2012 :D

Because of the date I am going to have to have a re-shuffle of the prize line up for the half and full marathon so now the FIRST PRIZE for the HALF MARATHON will be the Coventry City Football Club TIckets and the FIRST PRIZE for the FULL MARATHON will be the "LUNCH WITH A LION" donated by the Rugby Lions Rugby CLub.

If anyone has entered the Half Marathon competition specifically for the LUNCH WITH A LION prize, please send a predicted FULL marathon time and I will swap your entry over.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

I feel a bit like this right now!!  So much to do and already I feel like time is slipping away from me!! ARGH!  
BUT!!!  We have progress!  Today I set up 2 new events cycling on my bike / Turbo Trainer combo!  One in Rugby Clock Tower Shopping centre on 18th February and one in Coventry's West Orchards shopping centre on 21st April.  The last one is a bit of a worry as its the weekend before the marathon and really I should be easing up a bit.....but hey, if I just pedal slowly Ill be OK? RIGHT?!! lol!
I have had another generous Prize donation to the Guess the Finishing Time Competition from Nuneaton Sports Injuries of a professional Sports Massage!  Id quite like to win that myself HAH!
And although not quite finalised I have interested parties to fund my Bike Bag for transporting my bike to Geneva and some posh printed shirts!  More to come on all of this soon!
What can I say but.......BOING!!!!

Look what arrived in the post today!!  2 tickets to admit four people into Hatton Farm Village!

This will be one of our prizes for the "Guess the Finishing Time" competition where for a donation to my JUST GIVING PAGE you can predict my finishing time for the half or full marathon (or BOTH for two donations lol!)  The closest person and two runners up will receive a PRIZE!  More prizes will be added as they arrive so keep checking our COMPETITION PAGE for full details :o)


As much as the training is important to get me up them mountain passes, Im under pressure this year to raise a minimum sponsorship amount and by a deadline of the beginning of May!  Right now this feels the more daunting of the two!
So I have set up my JUST GIVING PAGE, made a poster, set up a FACEBOOK PAGE and started putting the word about the challenge in the public domain.  I have also come up with some fairly madcap ideas for a couple of fundraising competitions which involves me running a half and a full marathon and you guys predict the closet time......winner gets a prize!  But I will do a specific BLOG about these events and how you can enter!
Technology has moved on even a year and you can now TEXT me a donation by texting TOIL99 and your donation (£1, £2, £5 or £10) and sending to 70070.  There are NO charges and you can gift aid the amount donated meaning even more money goes to Myton :D
And finally if you have an iPhone or Smart Phone you can SCAN the following QRCode and it takes you straight to my JUST GIVING page!  How fantastic is THAT!  

So far I have 5 donations directly to my Just Giving Page and one donation of admission tickets to HATTON WORLD for the "Guess the Finishing Time" Prizes!  THANKYOU EVEYONE!
So all in all a rather good start :D
If you can display a poster please contact me and I can get one to you :D