Stepping up the training a bit this week in frequency and feeling
pretty good about it too!
15 mins of 1 min intervals / 1 min recovery on the bike and then the rower followed by an upper body strength workout including Chest Press, Lat Pull downs, Shoulder Press, Pecs, Rear Delts, Bicep curls and tricep extensions.

6 x 1km Intervals at 4.5-5min/km (7.5-8min/mile) pace with a 5 min recovery period between each one.  Worked really hard and on the middle couple of intervals really found my rhythm and felt bloody brilliant!!  One day Ill run like this over distance ;o)

 Spinning Class – a high energy interval session on a spinning bike gradually increasing the resistacne throughout the workout.  Great thighburner!

Today I caught the bus to work so I could RUN HOME!! I did 9.5 miles in 1:24mins so an average of 8:50min/mile and considering it was a “comfortable” run I was quite pleased with the timing.

Cycled to work and back – direct route both ways felt quite good on the way there at 35mins but a bit slower on the way home, although the weather was a bit pants by then lol!

Longish cycle ride while distributing posters!!  Did just shy of 40 miles and by the nature of the ride it was a bit stop and start but I enjoyed the ride out! I also took a pit stop at COVENTRY RUNNER where I got myself a new pair of trainers plus they very kindly donated a voucher for a pair of trainers for the “Guess the finishing time” competition.

I am uploading all my training onto FETCHEVERYONE as it neatly combines my schedule and training altogether which is good for a quick overview.  Although when I upload a few days training it posts the lot to facebook / twitter and makes it look like Im a training  FREAK!

I feel a bit like this right now!!  So much to do and already I feel like time is slipping away from me!! ARGH!  
BUT!!!  We have progress!  Today I set up 2 new events cycling on my bike / Turbo Trainer combo!  One in Rugby Clock Tower Shopping centre on 18th February and one in Coventry's West Orchards shopping centre on 21st April.  The last one is a bit of a worry as its the weekend before the marathon and really I should be easing up a bit.....but hey, if I just pedal slowly Ill be OK? RIGHT?!! lol!
I have had another generous Prize donation to the Guess the Finishing Time Competition from Nuneaton Sports Injuries of a professional Sports Massage!  Id quite like to win that myself HAH!
And although not quite finalised I have interested parties to fund my Bike Bag for transporting my bike to Geneva and some posh printed shirts!  More to come on all of this soon!
What can I say but.......BOING!!!!

Look what arrived in the post today!!  2 tickets to admit four people into Hatton Farm Village!

This will be one of our prizes for the "Guess the Finishing Time" competition where for a donation to my JUST GIVING PAGE you can predict my finishing time for the half or full marathon (or BOTH for two donations lol!)  The closest person and two runners up will receive a PRIZE!  More prizes will be added as they arrive so keep checking our COMPETITION PAGE for full details :o)


After last sundays race I was on a high after running an average of 8.08 mins/mile over 12KM!  Well chuffed :o)
Monday was a supposed recovery bike ride but after a touch up Claud felt super frisky so we went quite well actually! LOL!
Thursday and Friday I cycled to work via fillongley as it is hillier that way and also more mileage ;o)  I was well chuffed on Thursday as I blasted my previous weeks time!  But on Friday the wind and rain combined with tired legs I was a good 5 mins slower....but still not as slow as last week thank god!
Saturday I had a rest!  then Sunday I did a 11 mile steady run - it was very windy but still averaged 9.12 mins a mile and I felt pretty comfortable out there so I was pleased.  Long term I need to get a bit more structured with my running training as Im tempted to try and beat my miles per minute every time I go out! Which is a recipe for injury so I am going to have to be a bit more disciplined and do slower longer runs and concentrate on the speed in my interval training!

A link to my Garmin Activities! TRAINING LOG

As much as the training is important to get me up them mountain passes, Im under pressure this year to raise a minimum sponsorship amount and by a deadline of the beginning of May!  Right now this feels the more daunting of the two!
So I have set up my JUST GIVING PAGE, made a poster, set up a FACEBOOK PAGE and started putting the word about the challenge in the public domain.  I have also come up with some fairly madcap ideas for a couple of fundraising competitions which involves me running a half and a full marathon and you guys predict the closet time......winner gets a prize!  But I will do a specific BLOG about these events and how you can enter!
Technology has moved on even a year and you can now TEXT me a donation by texting TOIL99 and your donation (£1, £2, £5 or £10) and sending to 70070.  There are NO charges and you can gift aid the amount donated meaning even more money goes to Myton :D
And finally if you have an iPhone or Smart Phone you can SCAN the following QRCode and it takes you straight to my JUST GIVING page!  How fantastic is THAT!  

So far I have 5 donations directly to my Just Giving Page and one donation of admission tickets to HATTON WORLD for the "Guess the Finishing Time" Prizes!  THANKYOU EVEYONE!
So all in all a rather good start :D
If you can display a poster please contact me and I can get one to you :D
Rosedale Chimney at the point where I collapsed!
Well after a layoff during "party season" I decided to get my butt back into gear by registering for the Cycle Challenge and getting back into the old routine!  After Christmas we went  to Yorkshire close to the moors where I started back training in earnest!  By god they got big hills in Yorkshire!  And yet again I had got a ridiculous notion of "hill hunting" the infamous and deadly Rosedale Chimney which is a 1:3 gradient climb.  What can I chewed me up and spat me out lol!  But pushing the bike up a section aint no mean feat either and I got back on just to have a rest hahaha!  But as I neared the top my attention was taken off my burning thighs to keeping upright on my bike with quite a lively side wind to contend with!

I have to say that the area is just breathtaking and it took me back to my JoGLE days cycling through such jaw dropping scenery.....oh I do love to ride my bicycle!

The running has been going well too and touch wood the body is holding on out even after a half marathon back in September YAY!  Last weekend I did my first race of the season, a hilly 12km in stratford which I completed in 1hr 37seconds (lol!) so that was at a 8.08min per mile pace which although it aint no Haile Selassie I was still pretty pleased with it ;o)

After a terrible accident with my poor late garmin last year where it got crushed I had the good fortune to find myself a fantastic bargain on EBAY just before christmas of another Forerunner 310xt so I am a very happy girl and just revelling in all the STATS!!  I shall link a few on here now from Yorkshire but wont bore you with the lot lol!  But I will link the odd few sessions throughout the weeks to come to keep a log of my training progress!

This says it much better than I can....
Well well, for anybody remotely interested in the weird and wonderful antics of a compulsive fitness fundraising on!
This is a very quick BLOG because as usual I am running behind schedule lol!  Suffice to say this will be the place where I air my frustrations, triumphs, have a panic and BOING about all the amazing stuff!  Please feel free to make comments about any of the drivel that may end up on here.... :D